
My interests are ubiquitous computing, sensor instrumentation, mobile development and Android in particular. On this page you can see some examples of my projects. Every project has an own page with detailed description and screenshots. For the detailed information of the project click on its title.

  • STOP

    A toolkit for continuous management of Parkinson’s disease. Allows to estimate patient’s motor impairments by accelerometer-based game and touch screen exrecise, and understand medication effectiveness via self-reporting intake journal.
    Specs: Java, SQLite database, motion and touch sensing, speech recognition.

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  • Make Us Move

    Context aware application for tracking user’s social and physical activity. The applications aims to decrease user’s addiction to social networks by gamified balancing between real-life interactions and networks time usage.
    Specs: Kotlin, MVP, SQLite database, Google Fit.

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  • UniTour

    QR-based game for newcomers and guests of University of Oulu. The application allows to explore the key locations of the Linnanmaa campus and learn about it via quest game around the building.
    Specs: Java, Firebase, location-based, QR codes.

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  • Sandop

    Second-hand market application that helps users to sell their old or unsed goods. The application allows to list own products, search for existing ones and chat with other users.
    Specs: Java, Firebase, social networks sign in.

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  • CWP Signaller

    Application for sending continuous wave signals between client devices. By sending on and off singals of differnt duration, the application allows to transmit messages in a Morse code like format.
    Specs: Java.

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